Sabtu, 19 April 2014

Summary Short Story - Photo Finish

Title     : Photo Finish
Author : Polly Sweetnam

            Lisa is going to holiday, so she must go to the post office to get passport. When she has been arrived, she forgets to bring her photos. She hurried to the photo both in the old bus station. She can get her photos there. She goes outside the photo booth to take her photo in the machine. There are not her photos but she find a man’s photos. Whereas nobody else there.
            There are four photos of the man. They show a murder. Someone in the photos was killed by unknown someone. She was in danger because the murdered will come back to the photo booth and will find her photos. She come in haste to the police station and tells about the photos. The police ask her to come back to photo booth so that the police can catch the murderer.
            Finally, she is going to the bus station. The police are hiding and watching Lisa. Then, there is a man come to her. He is holding some photos. He is the murderer. The police catch him.

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