Jumat, 18 April 2014

Summary Short Story - Sara Says No!

Title     : Sara Says No!
Author : Norman Whitney
            There is a man who selling fruits, his name is Mister Fruit. Sara, his daughter is helping him. One day, Sara sees her father sell the incorrect weight to a schoolboy and a young man. Sara is not happy. Sara suggests her father to sell the correct weight and mustn’t cheat their customers. Her father does not care. He says that Sara doesn’t understand business.

            Initially, her father wants to sell his fruit honestly. Many people buy a lot of fruit. Then, an old man bring back some fruits were bad and not fresh. She wants her money back, but Mister Fruit does not listen. He is dishonest again. Sara is angry with him. Sara doesn’t want to work for him. Her father answers that children must help their parents. Even less, he has no wife and no son. His family is just Sara. Sara says no! She wants to leave home. She doesn’t want to cook his father’s food. She wants to get a good job. Sara’s father is angry and shouts Sara to go to bed. Sara is unhappy. She says a prayer and need a miracle.

            The next day, something strange is happening. Mister Fruit touches the fruits. They go black and bad. Everybody laughs. But, when Sara touches the fruits and that’s OK. Finally, Sara changes his father to sell fruit and his father is in home to change job’s Sara like cooks the food. Sara is honest. She doesn’t cheat and always sells the correct weight. She understands business. She has a good job now.

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