Kamis, 23 Januari 2014

Perkenalkan, nama saya UANG!

-Sebuah pencerahan untuk mereka yang gila uang-

Namaku UANG, suka di panggil DUIT

Wajahku biasa saja, fisikku juga lemah, namun aku mampu merombak tatanan dunia.
Aku juga "bisa" merubah Perilaku, bahkan sifat Manusia' karena manusia mengidolakan aku.
Banyak orang merubah kepribadiannya,­­­­ mengkhianati teman, menjual tubuh, bahkan meninggalkan keyakinan imannya, demi aku!

Aku tidak mengerti perbedaan orang saleh dan bejat, tapi manusia memakai aku menjadi patokan derajat, menentukan kaya miskin dan terhormat atau terhina.

Aku bukan iblis, tapi sering orang melakukan kekejian demi aku.

Aku juga bukan orang ketiga, tapi banyak suami istri pisah gara-gara aku.
Anak dan orangtua berselisih gara-gara aku.

Sangat jelas juga aku bukan Tuhan, tapi manusia menyembah aku seperti Tuhan, bahkan kerap kali hamba-hamba Tuhan lebih menghormati aku, padahal Tuhan sudah pesan jangan jadi hamba uang..

Seharusnya aku melayani manusia, tapi kenapa malah manusia mau jadi budakku?

Aku tidak pernah mengorbankan diriku untuk siapa pun, tapi banyak orang rela mati demi aku.

Perlu aku ingatkan, aku hanya bisa menjadi alat bayar resep obat anda, tapi tidak mampu memperpanjang hidup anda.

Kalau suatu hari anda dipanggil Tuhan, aku tidak akan bisa menemani anda, apalagi menjadi penebus dosa-dosa anda, anda harus menghadap sendiri kepada sang Pencipta lalu menerima penghakiman-NYA.

Saat itu, Tuhan pasti akan hitung-hitunganan dengan anda, APAKAH SELAMA HIDUP ANDA MENGGUNAKAN aku dengan baik, atau sebaliknya MENJADIKAN aku sebagai TUHAN?

Ini informasi terakhirku:

Jadi jangan cari aku disana.

Salam Uang. 

Rabu, 22 Januari 2014

Contoh Narrative Text Pendek Tentang Hewan Beserta Gambar

Example of Narrative Text About Animals 

Story of Rabbit and Bear

Once upon a time, there lived as neighbours, a bear and a rabbit. The rabbit is a good shot. In contrary, the bear is always clumsy ad could not use the arrow to good advantage.
One day, the bear called over the rabbit and asked the rabbit to take his bow and arrows and came with bear to the other side of the hill. The rabbit was fearing to arouse the bear's anger so he could not refuse it. He consented and went with the bear and shot enough buffalo to satisfy the hungry family. Indeed he shot and killed so many that there was lots of meat left after the bear and his family had loaded themselves and packed all they could carry home.
The bear was very gluttonous and did not want the rabbit to get any of the meat. Th e rabbit could not even taste the blood from the butchering as the bear would throw earth on the blood and dry it up. The poor rabbit would have to go home hungry after his hard day's work.
The bear was the father of five children. The youngest child was very kind to the rabbit. He was very hearty eater. The mother bear always gave him an extra large piece of meat but the youngest child did not eat it. He would take it outside with him and pretended to play ball with the meat. He kicked toward the rabbit's house and when he got close to the door he would give the meat with such a great kick. The meat would fly into the rabbit's house. In this way, the poor rabbit would get his meal unknown to the papa bear.

The Ugly Duckling

One upon time, a mother duck sat on her eggs. She felt tired of sitting on them. She just wished the eggs would break out.
Several days later, she got her wish. The eggs cracked and some cute little ducklings appeared. "Peep, peep" the little ducklings cried. "Quack, quack" their mother greeted in return.
Contoh narrative text dengan generic structure: the Ugly Duckling
However the largest egg had not cracked. The mother duck sat on it for several days. Finally, it cracked and a huge ugly duckling waddled out. The mother duck looked at him in surprise. He was so big and very gray. He didn't look like the others at all. He was like a turkey
When the mother duck brought the children to the pond for their first swimming lesson. The huge grey duckling splashed and paddled about just as nicely as the other ducklings did. "That is not a turkey chick. He is my very own son and quite handsome" the mother said proudly
However, the other animals didn't agree. They hissed and made fun of him day by day. Even his own sisters and brothers were very unkind. "You are very ugly" they quacked.
The little poor duckling was very unhappy. "I wish I looked like them" he thought to himself. One day, the ugly duckling run away and hid in the bushes. The sad duckling lived alone through the cold and snow winter. Finally the spring flowers began to bloom. While he was swimming in the pond, he saw three large white swans swimming toward him. "Oh, dear. these beautiful birds will laugh and peck me too" he said to himself. But the swans did not attack him. Instead, they swam around him and stroked him with their bills. As the ugly duckling bent his neck to speak to them, he saw his reflection in the water. He could not believe his eyes. "I am not an ugly duckling but a beautiful swam" he exclaimed.
He was very happy. From that day on, he swam and played with his new friends and was happier than he had never been

The Monkeys and The Cap Seller

Once, a cap seller was passing through a jungle. He was very tired and needed to rest. Then, he stopped and spread a cloth under a tree. He placed his bag full of caps near him and lay down with his cap on his head.
The cap seller had a sound sleep for one hour. When he got up, the first thing he did was to look into his bag. He was startled when he found all his caps were not there.
When he looked up the sky, he was very surprised to see monkeys sitting on the branches of a tree, each of the monkeys is wearing a cap of on its head. They had evidently done it to imitate him
He decided to get his caps back by making a humble request to the monkeys. In return, the monkeys only made faces of him. When he begun to make gesture, the monkeys also imitated him.
At last he found a clever idea. " Monkeys are a great imitator," he thought. So he took off his own cap and threw it down on the ground. And as he had expected, all the monkeys took off the caps and threw the caps down on the ground. Quickly, he stood up and collected the caps, put them back into his bag and went away.